Welcome to Pollutica!

Your pocket of clean ocean is under attack from all sides by toxic fish!

Pan around using RMB, and zoom in/out by scrolling.

Sand Dollars spawn periodically around the map and can be collected by clicking them with LMB. These are used to buy tiles of sea floor and defenses to place on them. 

Defenses have varying health, damage, and abilities. The Pyro Polyp packs a mean punch, so be careful how you use it!

Their Pollutium filled bodies and perpencity to gossip will require turning their toxicity against them!

Pollutium is gained by picking up polluted meat from fallen enemies, which can then be used to research new defenses and upgrade existing ones. The meat could use some salt…

Expand your area and find the best strategy to survive!

Mady By: Serotonin Studios

Programmer, Keegan N , https://mulcher.itch.io/pollutica

Art/Music, Bryce C, Discord: MyNameBaguette

Art/UI, Xavier L, https://www.linkedin.com/in/xavier-lufkin-835772220/?locale=es_ES&trk=people-gue...


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interesting little game !